The part I am curious about is the last phrase: "[indecency manufacturing] and [the compensation which was a necessity of their delusion in themselves accepting]".
ασχημοσύνην κατεργαζόμενοι και την αντιμισθίαν ην έδει της πλάνης αυτών εν εαυτοίς απολαμβάνοντες
I haven't looked up sources for these words, which I normally do for highly charged verses like this because historical lexicographers often liked to change or hide meanings of words for the purposes of promoting an ideology. I might, but first I need to understand what this sentence actually says in clear english.
Here is my best attempt(4) so far:
And in a like manner, the males abandoned the natural use of the female and were inflamed for their desire for each other. The males created shame with each other and the necessary consequence for going astray.