I have a translation question. Normally, I would use Google, but I am hoping immortalize it in my M.S. thesis, so I wanted to be sure about the correct translation for "Dedicated to my father, may he rest in peace." or, if it sounds more appropriate in Latin, "For my father, may he rest in peace."
Following the guideline found here:
Where is the text from?
Something I came up with myself, though I imagine others have before me as well.
What do you exactly want to convey with the text? and What would the text be used for?
Dedicating my M.S. thesis to my father in the opening pages. As a sign of gratitude and respect.
What have you done to translate the text yourself?
I checked this website and this answer that offered something similar, and used Google.
If you have a suggested translation, where is it from?
Using the above 3 sources, I think this would be somewhat correct:
Dedicated to my father, may he rest in peace.: Dicata patri meo, Requiescat in pace.
For my father, may he rest in peace.: Nam pater meus sit in pace.
I hope this might be enough information to make answering this question easy. Please let me know if anything else is required. Thank you all in advance.