I'd like to say "Happy Birthday [to you]!" in Latin. I see two possibilities in Traupman's Conversational Latin:
Fēlīx nātālis tibi!
Fēlīcem nātālem [tibi exoptō]!
The first is used in Traupman's rendition of the song, "Happy Birthday," so I wonder if he sacrificed anything to make it fit the music. The second uses the accusative of exclamation.
Another version of the song, by Keith Massey (youtube), squeezes "dies" in there, adding doubt to Traupman's version:
Felix dies natalis tibi!
Given that I'm only concerned about the best way to say the phrase, not sing it:
- Are all three of these grammatical ways to say, "Happy birthday [to you]"?
- Does using the accusative of exclamation change the meaning or tone of the sentence?