This is actually a continuation of my last question. The following sentence is a little tricky, and I feel I may have missed a thing or two. I appreciate any feedback.
"Etiam hac hora difficillima", inquit, "nobis vis invenienda est talem vitam vivendi, qualem eam esse volumus, scilicet liberam et apertam".
Here's my translation:
"Even on this difficult hour," she says, "the strength must be found by us to live life such as we want it to be, namely, open and free."
I'd like to get your opinion on some liberties that I took. First, I understand "vivendi" to be a gerund in the genitive, in which case a more literal translation would be "the strength must be found by us of living life such as we want it to be". Is it okay to render this as "to live" as opposed to "of living"? Is it common to do so?
Second, the "talem...qualem" pair was a little confusing. I thought about translating "talem vitam" as "such a life", instead of what I ended up doing, "life such". The former sounds like a more literal translation. After all, doesn't "talem" have to modify "vitam"? The latter, however, sounds more idiomatic in English. Which would you choose here?