I'm reading Goffaux's 1823 Latin adaptation of Robinson Crusoe (it turns out there are FOUR nineteenth-century Latin adaptations of Robinson Crusoe!) and came across the sentence:

Attamen propius ita dēmum subīit [scapha], ut iīs quī in nāvī essent fūnis prōjicerētur.

A page later comes

Quidquid erat in oculīs spectantem ita dētinuit, ut, præteritī immemor, dē futūrō minimē cūrāret.

In both sentences I would have used adeō instead of ita.

Is ita...ut a common and/or correct construction where one would usually use adeō? Or is there a difference that I'm missing?

(I also believe that one could correctly use tam but that adeō is considered more proper? Would love thoughts on that, too.)

EDIT C. M. Weimer says in the comments that all three are totally fine. Is there a difference in nuance here, or are they basically interchangeable?

  • 1
    All three are totally fine.
    – cmw
    Commented Sep 23, 2017 at 3:08
  • 1
    @cmw Well, that was easy enough. Thanks! Is there any difference in nuance between them, or period? Or they're really just interchangeable? Commented Sep 23, 2017 at 3:14
  • You could add a link to a definition of adeo, for clarity. Sorry, I'm on the phone right now
    – Rafael
    Commented Sep 23, 2017 at 21:25
  • FWIW, Ita... ut is attested in the VG, Mt 5, 7
    – Rafael
    Commented Sep 23, 2017 at 21:31
  • Did you end up finishing this translation? I started reading Robinson Crusoe recently and by coincidence came across this post.
    – cmw
    Commented Oct 9, 2022 at 22:18

1 Answer 1


The relevant Gildersleeve on consecutive sentences is section 551-552:

Correlative demonstratives occur very often : ita (sic), tam, tantopere, tanto, adeo, eo, huc ; talis, tantus, tot, is, eius modi, and others of a similar meaning.

I haven't taken a close look, but it's difficult to hear a difference between tam, adeo, and ita when used as so. Once difference is that ita will have a force of "in such a way" more often than tam or adeo will, which instead mostly focus on degree.

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