Lines 405–407 of Vergil's Aeneid, Book 6, are as follows:
Si te nulla movet tantae pietatis imago,
at ramum hunc" (aperit ramum qui veste latebat)
"agnoscas." Tumida ex ira tum corda residunt;
Context: Aeneas and the priestess are trying to cross the river to the Underworld, but living bodies are not permitted to cross. Thus, they present Charon with a the golden branch which allows them to enter the Underworld
My translation is:
if no image of such great piety moves you,
but this bough" (she reveals the bough which was hiding in her clothing)
"you should recognise." Then the hearts swollen from anger settle;
After reading my translation over a few times, I came to wonder whether my translation of the section in parenthesis is actually correct. Could it be "she reveals the bough which she was hiding in her clothing", or is the subject of latebat the bough as I currently have it?