I can't figure out how the phrase "et audito eo multa faciebat" in the following sentence should be parsed:
Herodes enim metuebat Ioannem, sciens eum virum iustum et sanctum, et custodiebat eum: et audito eo multa faciebat, et libenter eum audiebat.
The translation which was given for that phrase is "And he heard that he was accomplishing many things..." (From the answer provided below by brianpck, I now understand that this translation is most likely incorrect.)
As the title suggest, I'm interpreting it as an ablative absolute having its own subphrase, so it seems like it should have a subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun to link "multa faciebat" to "audito eo", but I'm guessing that I might be wrong about that.
In any case, I can't figure out how it should be parsed.