I'm looking at getting a Latin phrase/quote on my arm and I'd like to know if the translation I'm thinking about using is correct. I've pulled some translations from this website (Protected By God - Latin Discussion) and they seem to be correct but I would like the help of more knowledgeable people to confirm that.
These are the 'phrases' I'm looking to use:
Deo Servante (With God protecting)
Deo Custode (With God as a guardian)
Deo Aegide (With God as a shield)
Deo Patrocinante (With God protecting)
Deo Patrono (With God as a guardian)
Deo Praesite (With God protecting)
Deo Tutamine (With God as a protecting force (trying to illustrate that it is neuter))
Deo Tutante (With God protecting)
Deo Vindicante (With God protecting/seeking vengeance)
I just want to know if these are the actual translations, but also if you can give me the translation for 'God is vengeful' or 'God will vindicate' than that is the actual translation I am looking for.