This common English idiom means ‘to continue trusting someone despite reservations or misgivings’. How might it be translated into Latin? I can only think of some wordy phrase like alicui confidere certis dumtaxat positis cautionibus. Or, more concisely, dubitanter alicui confidere. But neither equivalent is satisfctory.

1 Answer 1


I will focus on the "benefit of the doubt" part. It seems to be a common expression in all Romance languages.

  • English: benefit of the doubt
  • French: bénéfice du doute
  • Italian: beneficio del dubbio
  • Spanish: beneficio de la duda

So simply "beneficium dubii" could be a reasonable translation. And it is attested in a few places:

If we extend the beneficium dubii to those contradictory statements… Collected Works of C.G. Jung

so hat der Patient das volle Recht das Beneficium dubii… New Yorker Medizinische Presse

I would argue instead that a hermeneutic of the beneficium dubii… The Politics of Theological Free Speech in the Cappadocian Fathers

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