This room is for talking about Latin[.SE].
Now, I've got most of this translated. The only thing I'm stumbling on is how to translate "for". I see two options, but neither is very good:
- "pro" -- It means "on behalf of", so I could twist it into "on behalf of the couple's happiness", but from the other meanings given I think it has a different connotation, and doesn't fit right.
- An ut clause of purpose -- It seems to fit, until you realize that it's basically saying "let us drink so that the couple will have a happy marriage" -- I'm sure they could have a happy one without that toast, especially if they were both oblivious like me.
- ad + gerund(ive) -- same as above.
Am I missing something about these options? Is there another that would fit better?
NB: I'm leaving out the .SE part intentionally.