I met some sentences in Lingua Latin per se Illustrata: Roma Aeterna that I can hardly understand:
Hīc Aenēās genitōrem Anchīsēn āmīsit, ille enim cōnfectus aetāte ē vītā excessit — nēquīquam ex tantīs perīculīs ēreptus. (Ch. 38, L. 210)
"Here Aeneas lost his father Anchises, because he (who was completed?) died for age — taken away from so many dangers in vain." What does cōnfectus actually mean?
Hanc urbem (=Karthāginem) Jūnō magis aliīs omnibus dīlēxisse dīcitur, hoc rēgnum omnium gentium esse volēbat. (Ch. 39, L. 3)
"It is said that Juno greatly preferred this city to all the others, ..." Is hoc rēgnum nominative or accusative? Who wanted to be what?
Sed audīverat genus ā Trōiānō sanguine ortum ōlim arcem Karthāginis expugnātūrum esse. (Ch. 39, L. 5)
"But she (=Juno?) had heard(?) that a/the tribe (?) that rose from the Trojans' blood would once conquer the stronghold of Karthago.", is it correct?