Si deferantur et arguantur, puniendi sunt, ita tamen ut qui negaverit 'se Christianum esse' idque re ipsa manifestum fecerit, id est supplicando dis nostris, quamvis suspectus in praeteritum, veniam ex paenitentia impetret.
- Why the protasis of si is subj. (deferantur et arguantur), but the apodosis is ind. (puniendi sunt)? Is it because the apodosis is future periphrastic? (I found this case in Allen & Greenough's: 517.c, but I am not sure)
- What is the structure from qui negaverit...? If qui negaverit (et) fecerit (as I guess) is the subject (he who ...), which is the corresponding verb?
- Why is it in praeteritum instead of in praeterito?