As we can see, Wikipedia lists the lumbricals muscle and tells us that the muscle contains four parts.

I need to name all four individual parts of the muscle and their respective side in the body. I already asked a similar question here.

Again I looked up the English words first, second, third and fourth in Latin and found those words:

  1. primis
  2. secundus
  3. tertium
  4. quartus

How do I name muscles or bones which have a numeration in their name as the lumbricals muscle?

And are the Latin word for first, second, third and fourth used correct here?

My attempt is to just add the numeration at the end of the name:

musculus lumbricalis pedis primis sinister --> first lumbrical muscle of the left foot


I'm looking for the first twelve ordinal numbers. According to the provided wikipedia link they are:

  1. primus
  2. secundus
  3. tertius
  4. quartus
  5. quintus
  6. sextus
  7. septimus
  8. octavus
  9. nonus
  10. decimus
  11. undecimus
  12. duodecimus

1 Answer 1


Other muscles with several enumerated parts seem to use primus, secundus, tertius, ..., this is, the masculine nominative of ordinal numbers (masculine because musculus is masculine). This is consistent with the answers in your other question.

Examples of such use are:

enter image description here

  • peronaeus

(the latter two taken from here)

Given this, the answer to your question is just to add the nominative to the phrase. Recall word order is not so relevant. Some references above have the number in the middle, with others at the end.

PS: your list of Latin numbers is odd, since it includes different cases and genders. Secundus and quartus are nominative masculine (as in the suggested solution). However, primis is dative or ablative (and any gender) whereas tertium is nominative neuter (instead of masculine). You want to use a consistent case and gender.

  • Perfect! Thank you very much. I'm looking for the names from first to twelfth to name also the rips. I'll check your link to wikipedia to the ordinal numbers. Commented Sep 4, 2019 at 5:53

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