Latin has an obvious word for a professor: professor. But what would be good Latin translations for assistant and associate professors? I am looking for two adjectives to go with professor (or profestrix) that would give good Latin translations of "assistant professor" and "associate professor", but I'm open to solutions without adjectives too.
Any attested academic use would be great, but also suggestions are welcome. Ideally, the translations should be easily identified and distinguished, with as little room as possible for confusion with a full professor, a visiting professor, or an adjunct professor.
My best guesses are professor auxiliaris and professor associ(at)us for assistant and associate professor, respectively. Perhaps one could also use something derived from assistere, but auxiliaris sounded more idiomatic to me. The participle associatus and the adjective associus see appropriate, and should be easily interpreted correctly.
But what translations would you suggest and why? Any ideas are welcome as answers!
This question is similar in spirit to the one about distinguishing lecturers and readers, but I think different translations should be employed here.