I think there probably are Roman deities that the Romans thought were worshipped by Etruscans. I'm less sure about the "specifically" Etruscan part. So far, I haven't seen a primary source that says anything clearly along the lines of "the Etruscans worshipped this god before the Romans did".
A lot of this stuff seems to be unclear, so this is just a provisional answer to get some possible starting points for later confirmation or disconfirmation. I may edit later to add primary sources. I wouldn't recommend accepting this post in its current state.
The best candidate I have found so far is Vertumnus:
Varro was convinced that Vortumnus was Etruscan, and a major god.6 [...]
6. Varro, De lingua latina V.46: "Ab eis [the Etruscans] dictus Vicus Tuscus, et ideo ibi Vortumnum stare, quod is deus Etruriae princeps"
A less clear candidate is Summanus:
Pliny thought that he was of Etruscan origin, and one of the nine gods of thunder.3 Varro, however, lists Summanus among gods he considers of Sabine origin,"
Footnote 3 cites Natural History 2.53. At first glance, I don't see how the cited passage confirms that Pliny thought that Summanus was of "Etruscan origin".
The Wikipedia article for Volturnus says that he was "originally an Etruscan god". I haven't checked the citations, so I don't know whether this is based on anything ancient, or on modern theories based on stuff like the form of the name.