One can certainly use volo with an infinitive to express a wish:
Volo amari!
I want to be loved!
A future sense is often implied, as one would probably interpret that I'm not loved now if I wish that. Are there any examples of similar wishes with a future infinitive? I mean something along the lines of:
Volo amatum iri!
I want to be loved [in the future]!
On its own it strikes me as unidiomatic, but I can imagine use cases. Perhaps something like:
Volo amari hodie, cras auditum iri!
I want to be loved today and be heard tomorrow!
Of course, I could be completely off the mark, but I would be glad to see my intuition proved wrong. The infinitives can be active or passive; volo amaturus esse would be an equally interesting find. Has anybody come across a wish with a future infinitive or something comparable? (I will let you judge what counts as comparable.)