For numbers between 100 and 1000 you can just take the components out of the Wikipedia table you found.
ascendit Simon Petrus et traxit rete in terram plenum magnis piscibus centum quinquaginta tribus (153 - note the declension) et cum tanti essent non est scissum rete
et fratres eius principes patrum ducenti quadraginta duo (242) et Amassai filius Azrihel filius Aazi filius Mosollamoth filius Emmer
hic sapientia est qui habet intellectum conputet numerum bestiae numerus enim hominis est et numerus eius est sescenti sexaginta sex (666)
Based on this, I wrote the following JavaScript snippet which yields the following list for 0 to 19972048. I haven't been able to find what happens then; 2000 is "duo millia" but how that interacts with the rule - for 8 and 9? Perhaps it doesn't apply and "mille nōngentī nōnāgintā octo" isa longer list, just execute the standardsnippet yourself. I'm happyFeel free to update my script iffork it to make a more authoritative answer comes alongversion that produces numbers in equally valid formats (e.g. 'quattuor et vīgintī' for 24).