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What did a *cellarius* do?

Here is the little I could glean from the literature about the actual tasks of the cellarius. Celarii are mentioned frequently enough in texts but there is very little about their tasks, ...
Penelope's user avatar
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8 votes

Is "vicepraesidens" valid for "vice president"?

It's Late Latin. From the OED: Originally this governed a following word in the genitive, but in late Latin the tendency to use the phrase as a compound noun appears in vicequæstor (equivalent to ...
cmw's user avatar
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6 votes

What is an entrepreneur?

For 'entrepreneur', or even 'businessman', just as in English, there are few words in Latin of such broad meaning. With the senatorial ranks officially forbidden to engage in commerce, it was left to ...
Tom Cotton's user avatar
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4 votes

Comparing -logists and -nomists

I feel like -logy and -nomy are more pertinent here, with the -ists being secondary developments from those. -logy goes back to -λογία, which is a combination of λέγω 'to speak; to collect', λόγος '...
Cairnarvon's user avatar
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4 votes

A good word for waiter or waitress

I suggest pincerna (Thanks to the comment of @Hugh, I found this word in the Vulgata in the Joseph-in-prison scene.)
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
4 votes

A good word for waiter or waitress

In a smaller restaurant, caupo would be very appropriate, particularly if it's a family business. Another word which was certainly used in Antiquity was simply puer (see Sense B.2 in L&S). But if ...
Wtrmute's user avatar
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How to distinguish "lecturer" and "reader" in Latin?

According to this dictionary or this one, both are translated by prælector. Lewis&Short gives then this definition of prælector: praelector, ōris, m. id., one who reads an author to others and ...
Luc's user avatar
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2 votes

How to distinguish assistant and associate professors?

I found an attestation of the title professor auxiliaris: Antonius Toledo, Iuris in Universitate Professor Auxiliaris. See page 4 (= 286) of this file. The support for this translation is ...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
2 votes

A good word for waiter or waitress

There are a lot of good answers here, but the one I like best is in the OP's question, minister and ministra. It is true that minister has a somewhat broader meaning than "waiter", but if you are in ...
Figulus's user avatar
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How to translate "tenure"?

In Italy, quoting the website of the European University Institute, apart from ‘assegno di ricerca’, ‘professore a contratto’, and ‘ricercatore di tipo B’, all other positions are tenure or tenure-...
Vincenzo Oliva's user avatar
1 vote

How to translate "tenure"?

Central-European have a similar concept where the important step is a habilitation. habilitatio (medieval) - making qualified or eligible, declaratio habilitatis - declaration of qualification. After ...
Vladimir F Героям слава's user avatar
1 vote

How to translate "tenure"?

To make sure the word is understood correctly as referring to the academic concept of tenure, I suggest taking a word that is easily connected to the English "tenure". My suggestion is tentura, "...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
1 vote

A good word for waiter or waitress

For a definitively medieval flavour I suggest another word buticularius (the source of the modern English word "butler". The word buticularius is AFAIK not attested for the Classical period.
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar

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