Translation of "not for many [people], but for few [people]"?
Your basic construction is right.
For word choice, I'm assuming "for many" here you actually mean "for everyone" (i.e. it's not for most people, just some). In that case, yes, ...
- 57.5k
Correct my Latin "O tempora obscura!"
Antea, linguâ latinâ, quae maxime et humana et civilis est, neque vernaculâ scripsimus. O tempora obscura!
I. Verb tense.
I would use the imperfect (scribebamus), not the prefect, too excited ...
- 57.5k
Can you help me with the best translation of good mother or mother's way
Some more context would be useful.
Do you mean "Mother's way" like in "We're doing it her way"?
Because then via is best used together with ratio: Matris viā et ratione
normally &...
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