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13 votes

What gender would "this" or "that" be in if there is no subject to describe?

To complete your example, it would be, Quid est hoc? What is this? Because "what" is neuter, whereas "who" could be masculine or feminine. The demonstratives (hic, ille, iste, ...
ktm5124's user avatar
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8 votes

How is the demonstrative pronoun "is" weaker than the others?

I don't have a source for this answer, as it's based on my intuition from reading Latin texts, but here's my sense of the difference between is and hic/iste/ille. Hic/iste/ille are strongly deictic: ...
TKR's user avatar
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6 votes

If a demonstrative is not modifying a noun, is it called a demonstrative pronoun?

A pronoun is called a pronoun because it stands in place of a noun. The preposition pro in Latin means “in place of, on behalf of” (well, it is a bit more versatile, but it fits here). So a proconsul ...
Sebastian Koppehel's user avatar
5 votes

Usage of pronouns in chapter VIII of Lingua latina per se illustrata

"Is servus" is not an error. Latin "pronouns"* don't work like English pronouns. Is can be used by itself, but it can also be used adjectivally with a noun. The same goes for ille, ...
Asteroides's user avatar
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3 votes

Have Late Latin texts using "ipse, ipsa, ipsum" as definite articles been found?

The Peregrinatio referred to in the answer you linked to does also use ipse in the way you describe. The Wikipedia article on Egeria references this, and it has a link to the actual text as well. Note ...
Martin Kochanski's user avatar
2 votes

Ambiguity in "Illīus hominis fīlium laudābant omnēs"?

Yes, the boundary between adjective and substantive nouns is often unclear in Latin and Greek. So adjectives can generally be used like substantive nouns, and demonstrative pronouns like ille are ...
Cerberus's user avatar
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