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Questions tagged [modern-greek]

For questions related to Modern Greek. Questions solely about Modern Greek are off-topic, but relations between Modern and older Greek (or Latin) are on-topic.

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(Ancient and Modern Greek) Pronunciations of ‘epsilon’ and ‘eta’

I asked this question in an online forum, but did not get a response, so I thought I would try it here. It is about the proper pronunciation of the letters ‘epsilon’ and ‘eta’ in Archaic/Ancient Greek,...
Zwing's user avatar
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4 answers

To what extent are Koine and modern Greek mutually intelligible?

How difficult would it be for a person who knows Koine Greek to communicate with a native speaker of modern Greek, aside from the non-existence of words for modern inventions?
Someone's user avatar
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Why is tonos (sometimes) rendered different from oxia?

Now cross-posted to Graphic Design SE, as per the discussion in chat. In the question ‘What is the difference between the accent on q and the accent on semicolon?’, Joonas Ilmavirta suggested I ask a ...
Canned Man's user avatar
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Are "μπ" and "ντ" indicators that the word didn't exist in Koine/Ancient Greek?

I am learning Modern Greek on Duolingo, in the hopes that it will help me learn Koine and Ancient Greek, eventually. I have also watched a few other videos, like this one:
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