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Questions tagged [demonstrative-adjective]

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Have Late Latin texts using "ipse, ipsa, ipsum" as definite articles been found?

This anwser gives some examples of Late Latin texts using ille, illa, illud in ways quite similar to the usage of definite articles in modern Romance languages. However, I know that in some varieties ...
Charo's user avatar
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Usage of pronouns in chapter VIII of Lingua latina per se illustrata

This excerpt comes from lines 138-139 of chapter VIII of the 2003 edition of Lingua latina per se illustrata:       Quis saccum portat? Servus saccum portat. Quī servus? Servus quī saccum portat est ...
Charo's user avatar
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If a demonstrative is not modifying a noun, is it called a demonstrative pronoun?

I was confused on this since aren't demonstrative adjectives phrases like , "this fast" or "this large". If they are, then demonstrative adjectives not necessarily modifying nouns ...
Latin 1 Student's user avatar
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Ambiguity in "Illīus hominis fīlium laudābant omnēs"?

Each question below assumes that any previous question has been answered with a yes. Is ille ever used alone as that is used in this sentence? That is a good idea. Is illīus ever used alone as of ...
Catomic's user avatar
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What gender would "this" or "that" be in if there is no subject to describe?

With a specified subject or object, it's easy to say "this" or "that." This picture is of my dream. Haec pictura somnii mei est. But what if the noun being described is not ...
Middle School Historian's user avatar
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How is the demonstrative pronoun "is" weaker than the others?

Lately, I've been reading about demonstrative pronouns and adjectives. I'm fairly comfortable with hic and ille, but I'm not too sure about is. How is is weaker than the other demonstratives? When ...
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