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Questions tagged [augustinus]

For questions about the works of Augustinus Hipponensis or Augustine of Hippo (ca. 354–430 AD).

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9 votes
1 answer

Saint Augustine letter to Nebridio

In one of Saint Augustine's letters, numbered Carta 10 [CSEL 34/1,22 ] (PL 33,73) in "Obras Completas de San Agustin VIII – Cartas (1.º) 1-123", we see the phrase: Mittaturne ad te ...
Elederete's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

When did the silencing of 'h' start?

I am reading (a bilingual version of) Augustine's Confessions, and I stumbled upon: si contra disciplinam grammaticam sine adspiratione primae syllabae hominem dixerit (1.18.29) Roughly translated ...
G Frazao's user avatar
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How to determine when a noun is an objective genitive versus a subjective genitive?

St. Augustine writes in Soliloq. i, 10: nihil esse sentio quod magis ex arce deiiciat animum virilem quam blandimenta feminæ, corporumque ille contactus sine quo uxor haberi non potest. Is the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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3 answers

How to parse "in eo quod"?

I am trying to translate this line by Augustine (found here; in liber tertius (24.37)), where it seems that the sense of the passage hinges in "in eo quod": Quia cum ea quae facta sunt, in ...
Doubt's user avatar
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How is curavit being interpreted in a negative sense?

In his Confessions (2.3.8), Augustine writes: non enim et illa quae iam de medio Babylonis fugerat, sed ibat in ceteris eius tardior, mater carnis meae, sicut monuit me pudicitiam, ita curavit quod ...
Expedito Bipes's user avatar
5 votes
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Why is the neuter perniciosius used in this sentence?

In Confessions (1.18.29), Augustine writes: quasi vero quemlibet inimicum hominem perniciosius sentiat quam ipsum odium quo in eum inritatur, aut vastet quisquam persequendo alium gravius quam cor ...
Expedito Bipes's user avatar
4 votes
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Augustine: me dare mihi velle quod eis dabas

Augustine in the Confessions writes: tu etiam mihi dabas nolle amplius quam dabas, et nutrientibus ??? me dare mihi velle quod eis dabas:??? dare enim mihi per ordinatum affectum volebant quo ...
bobsmith76's user avatar
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How do you translate this sentence from St. Augustine?

I am stumped on translating this sentence. da mihi, domine, scire et intellegere utrum sit prius invocare te an laudare te, et scire te prius sit an invocare te. A translation from Georgetown ...
ktm5124's user avatar
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How would you translate "circumferens" in this passage from St. Augustine's Confessions?

I'm reading the beginning of St. Augustine's Confessions (Liber I Caput I), and had some trouble translating the word circumferens. How would you translate it? magnus es, domine, et laudabilis ...
ktm5124's user avatar
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6 votes
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Analysis of Dative in >>Confessions<<

In Caput VI Liber II Augustine wrote:"Quamvis mihi nondum fideli......" (Although I was not a Christian...) Here he used the dative case (mihi fideli). What's the dative case for? Why is it dative? ...
Li Xinghe's user avatar
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Confessiones, sentence analysis

This is a sentence in Caput V, Liber II of Confessiones of Augustine: Cum interea non satageret idem pater qualis crescerem tibi. Here what's the case of qualis? According to the declension table it ...
Li Xinghe's user avatar
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The usage of present passive infinitive

In Augustine confessions we read: "quid tibi sum ipse, ut amari te iubeas a me et, nisi faciam, irascaris mihi et mineris ingentes miserias?" (book I, cap. V) I can't understand the usage of the ...
d_e's user avatar
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8 votes
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Does "plurimi" imply "vast majority" in Augustine's Enchiridion?

In Augustine's Enchiridion, §112, he writes: Frustra itaque nonnulli, immo quam plurimi, aeternam damnatorum poenam et cruciatus sine intermissione perpetuos humano miserantur affectu, atque ita ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Why do some Latin adverbs have accent on the last syllable?

In the opening chapter of De Musica (written 387-391), St. Augustine gives an example of a Latin oxytone, i.e. a word with accentual stress on the ultimate syllable: MASTER: Now when we pronounce ...
Coemgenus's user avatar
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What does "suscipies et enutries omnes" mean in Augustine?

I'm studying Augustine's Sermon 46, "De Pastoribus," largely via translations into Spanish and English. There are a number of places where my English source and my Spanish source disagree, ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
5 votes
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How much of Augustine's writing has been translated into English?

(I'm not entirely sure that this is an appropriate question for the site: feel free to comment or start a meta discussion if you disagree.) I'm also not sure what tag(s) would be most appropriate. ...
brianpck's user avatar
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Augustine, De Civitate Dei, Book XVII, Ch. XVI

In De Civitate Dei, Augustine of Hippo wrote,1 Quis non hic Christum, quem praedicamus et in quem credimus, quamlibet sit tardus, agnoscat, cum audiat Deum, cuius sedes est in saecula saeculorum, et ...
Der Übermensch's user avatar
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In Confessions I.18, does Augustine clearly indicate the physical death of an enemy?

In Augustine's Confessions, I.18, he writes: et certe non est interior litterarum scientia quam scripta conscientia, id se alteri facere quod nolit pati. quam tu secretus es, habitans in excelsis ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
9 votes
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Does "quidam Ciceronis" indicate respect for the person?

In Augustine's Confessions, book 3, chapter 4, he writes: et usitato iam discendi ordine perveneram in librum cuiusdam Ciceronis (source) Henry Chadwick translates the bolded phrase as "a certain ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar