I'm kind of 'intermediate' Latin, and I can't find a completely satisfactory way to parse this poem (Priapea IV, Bucheler Ed. via latinlibrary):
Obscaenas rigido deo tabellas
dicans ex Elephantidos libellis
dat donum Lalage rogatque, temptes,
si pictas opus edat ad figuras.
Right now, the best I can do is:
Lalage donum obscaenas rigido deo dat
dicans tabellas ex Elephantidos libellis
rogatque: temptes (deus) opus, si ad figuras pictas edat (Lalage)
I'm not completely satisfied, because:
- I don't know why obscaenas isn't dative like rigido deo
- Reading 'ad figuras pictas edat' just seems odd. What's 'ad' doing there? I feel like I might be reading the whole second clause incorrectly