First and foremost, I am looking for films mostly spoken in Latin (not just a few scenes). My search so far has been fairly unfruitful. Most of the "films" available seem to be amateur (by students of Latin) or very low-quality, low-budget films. (e.g. here or here). The only decent (but old) forum thread I found seem to be negative about this too. There seem to be a movie around (about a wounded Roman general, escaping to the woods...), but looks terrible, and not likely to have much dialogue.
It would be understandable to imagine why such films do not exist. As movies are oriented to mass audiences, Latin is not a good seller.
So, even if not a single, decent film script is spoken in Latin, my "second best" request is for subtitles. It would be amazing to watch, say Star Wars, Gladiator, Brave Heart, et cetera, with subtitles in Latin. A quick search in subtitles websites however shows nothing (many don't even have the option to search for Latin subtitles). Other forum threads have not been very positive either. Oh, and apparently the Passion of Christ is in Ecclesiastical Latin, but cannot find any other serious reference of this.