I need the Latin for "I Discover" - as in "I learn new things, by gathering information about it and/or trying it myself (by trial and error)".
I've looked for it in several online dictionaries, but several different suggestions shows, and I don't know which one would fit the best. Nor am I entirely sure which ending to give the verb for "I discover"... Finally, perhaps there is another verb that better fits what I'm describing, than any of the ones suggested.
I got pretty much more or less the same from all dictionaries I tred, I'll here quote for the one at Notre Dame, since it had such dense format:
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertus V TRANS 3 4 TRANS [XXXAO] discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent; conperio, conperire, conperi, conpertus V TRANS 3 4 TRANS [XXXAO] learn/discover/find (by investigation); verify/know for certain; find guilty; comperio, comperire, comperi, compertus V TRANS 3 4 TRANS [XXXAO] learn/discover/find (by investigation); verify/know for certain; find guilty; repperio, repperire, repperi, reppertus V TRANS 3 4 TRANS [XXXAO] discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent; invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus V 3 4 [XXXAX] come upon; discover, find; invent, contrive; reach, manage to get; profero, proferre, protuli, prolatus V 3 2 [XXXAX] bring forward; advance; defer; discover; mention;
First off, what is the difference between "conperio" and "comperio"?
Anyway, I guess I'd want one with "learn"... but since I'll be gathering information and learn by trying myself, I suppose I'd want one of them including "by investigation" - ie. conperio/comperio...?