In a courthouse book from 1611 I've found an entry related to my home village. Since it is written in Latin, with lots of abbreviations and legal terms, I have troubles translating it...
Could someone help me in deciphering this text into full Latin words/sentences, so that it will be possible for me to translate it?

It is about some legal dispute between parish priest of Mszana (a village in southern Poland) and Anna Belinowa, the owner of that village.

Here is the scan of that book (I also attach images at the end of this post):

And here are the results I've got so far (probably – with lots of errors); I've marked abbreviations in parentheses and "X" means that I had no idea what the letter(s) might be:

p. 1484

(...) per v(e)n(er)abilem Ioannem Frenczkowicz
parochum Mszanen(sis) pro parte sua literas infraseras sacrXX
RegiXX Mltis vady partes XXX interpersiti
sigillo Regni minor cancellaris obsignat quarum tenor
est talis.
(...). Magnifice syncere nobi(li)s dilecte
expesitum nobis est nomine v(e)n(er)abilis Ioannis Franczkowicz
paroch Mszanensis quod illi generosa Anna Belinowa subdapiferatrix
Cracovien(sis) tam per se famulos suos quam per subordinatas 
personas, magnas minXXas facit et apertas inimieitias in
vitXX ipsius discrimen denuntiat, ita ut abilla seeums esse non
possit. Quod nos non modo tranquillitati communi verum et 
legibus Regni contrarium esse existimen volumus ut partes
eisdem non vi et ermis per seae famulos suos sed iure mediante
seeum agXX vadiumXX prepterea nostrum decem millium
floren polonicat inter eaX interponend esse duximus,
interpoXXX hisce literis aparte illi contranenien ei cui intererit 
persolnenXX. Quod si vero partrum aliqua bona vadio huic XX equivalentia

p. 1485

non habuerit de solnen eo parenXX iuri per idoneob
fide iussores caneat, ne autem partes supraseres ignorantiam 
eius prettendant, volumus ut vadium hic in Acta Cap(ita)nealia
Castren(sis) Cracovien(sis) inscribi et per minialem terrem in domos
eamnX partium defeni, et ad notifiam deduci curat. (...)

RCC 37, p. 1484-1485

1 Answer 1


Actually this text seems much easier than your previous one, this one is less abbreviated. Since you want only transcription I offer no translation, and also start from previous page, where the title of the act is. Sources used are the same pretty much, here is copy from previous post:

  • Dictionary of the old language of the judicial acts of North-Western part (of the Russian Empire) and of the Kingdom of Poland - I do not know for sure their English equivalents. This book also contains similar technical words from polish alongside latin, and oftentimes gives polish word corresponding for latin. As well as it has many templates for different types of acts.
  • Acts of the archaeographical commission of Vilnius - it is 39 volumes of transcribed judicial processes and acts from at least XVI century, I used mainly volumes 20, 23 and 33, mostly glossed over to familiarize myself with the style of the language and set phrases. You can click on the volume link and download djvu or pdf on the left. Google books also has those books but many are not available for full reading. The transcriptions themselves are (depending on the book) in polish, russian, latin or belarussian. Explanations are in russian.

Oblata Vadii Regalis Inter Plebanum Mszanensem et Annam Belinowa(1).

Nicolaus Zebrzidowski de Zebrzidowicze Pallatinus et Generalis Cracoviensis Sniatinensisque etc Capitaneus. Innotescimus oblatas esse nobis seu officio nostro Castrensi Capitaneali Cracoviensi per Venerabilem Ioannem Franczkowicz Parochum Mszanensem pro parte sua literas infrascriptas Sacrae Regiae Majestatis Vadij inter partes infrascriptas interpositi(2) sigillo Regni Minoris Cancellariae obsignatas quarum tenor est talis. Sigismundus Tertius Dei Gratia Rex Poloniae Magnus Dux Lithuaniae Russiae Prussiae Mazowiae Samogitiae Liwoniaeque etc nec non Suecorum Gottorum Vandalorumque hereditarius Rex. Magnifico Nicolao Zebrzidowski Palatino et Generali Cracoviensi Sniatinensique nostro Capitaneo syncere nobis dilecto gratiam sinceram Regiam. Magnifice syncere nobis dilecte.(3) Expositum nobis est nomine Venerabilis Ioannis Fraczkowicz Parochi Mszanensis quod illi Generosa Anna Belinowa subdapiferatrix Cracoviensis tam per se famulos suos quam per subordinatas personas, magnas iniuriaas facit et apertas inimicitias in vitae ipsius discrimen denuntiat, ita ut ab illa securus esse non possit. Quod nos non modo tranquillitati communi verum et legibus Regni contrarium esse existimantes volumus ut partes eaedem non vi et armis per se ac famulos suos sed iure mediante secum agant. Vadiumque propterea nostrum Decem Millium florenorum polonicalium inter eos interponendum esse duximus, interponimusque hisce literis aperte illi contravenienti ei cui intererit persolvendum.(4) Quod si vero partium aliqua bona vadio huic aequivalentia non habuerit de solvendo eo parendoque iuri per idoneos fideiussores caveat, ne autem partes suprascriptae ignorantiam eius praetendant, volumus ut vadium hoc in Acta Capitanealia Castrensia Cracoviensia inscribi et per Ministerialem Terrestrem in domos earumdem partium deferri, et ad notitiam deduci curet. Factura id Synceritas Vestra(5) pro gratia nostra et officio suo. Datum Warszawiae die X Mensis Novembris Anno Domini MDCXI Regnorum nostrorum Poloniae XXIV Sveciae Anno XVIII Ad mandatum Sacrae Regiae Majestatis proprium Felix Kvaszowski. Quas quidem literas nos Inhaerendo Mandato Sacrae Regiae Majestatis primum in Acta nostra Castrensia Capitanealia Cracoviensia inscribi deinde vero in domos utriusque partis per Ministerialem importari ac eisdem partibus ut iuris et moris est publicari mandavimus.

Some notes:

  1. Treated as indeclinable.
  2. Surely an error in the text, must be interpositas.
  3. Magnifice syncere nobis dilecte, serves is a kind of redundancy to introduce a body of the letter, seems to be used quite often actually.
  4. I am fairly sure of the transcription here, so 'illi contravenienti' goes with 'interponimus' and 'ei' goes with 'persolvendum'. We can rephrase it like this: hisce literis interponimus aperte illi contravenienti persolvendum esse ei, cui intererit.
  5. Adressing to Nicolaus Zebrzidowski.

I have not noted words that appear in the dictionary but there are many useful words that appear here, including, but not limited to: oblata, palatinus, fidejussor, cancellarius, vadium, capitanus.

  • Again, thanks a lot! From what I understand, Johannes (Jan) Frąckowicz felt that due to the deeds of Anna Belinowa (and her servants) his life was threatened and asked the authorities to establish a vadium of 10k fl. so that Anna and Jan will live in peace (PS It was a common practice in those days.), which Jan already paid to the authorities. As we know from the next note, Anna was not happy about having to pay such a large sum – and ordered her servants to beat members of Jan's family... Is it correct? Commented Nov 13 at 4:52
  • 1
    @PawełKłeczek, Seems to be quite right, letter of Sigismund III dates 10 November 1611, then 'Relatio pro parte Ioannis' says that letters of vadium were brought to Anna on 5th January 1612 (feria quinta in vigilia festi Sanctorum Trium Regum), and 'Protestatio vulneris' says that beating happened on 11th January 1612 (feria quarta post festum Sanctorum Trium Regum). Commented Nov 13 at 6:36

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