I am looking for a word or set of words to describe artificial items or materials. Maybe my shoes are made of artificial leather instead of the real thing, or maybe a crown is made of fake gold. What would be good words in this direction? Are there any that do not have negative connotations?
I can imagine using falsus in some contexts, but it sounds negative in tone like "fake". My best guess is something based on simulare, like simulamen which Lewis and Short translate as "a copy, an imitation". The word artificialis appears to mean "pertaining to art" more than "artificial" in the modern sense of the English word, so I'm not convinced it is a good choice.
My main question is: If the Romans had anything artificial (materials or items used as replacements of the natural or expected ones), what words did they use to express it? If it's hard to find such attestations, nearby concepts like "fake" are also welcome.