I started learning Ancient Greek about a year ago.
I discovered that Wiktionary is pretty useful for this, although pretty often it doesn't find the word you're looking for.
Then someone here pointed me to Perseus, which to begin with was an absolute godsend. It seems that they pointedly must have gone through most words in a lot of Ancient Greek authors to ensure that the tender neophyte is unlikely to find something missing.
Then it got worse. Very slow response, or no response, often a 503, "Backend fetch failed." And worse... and worse. I now actually dread using it most days. Is anyone else having any similar experiences?
To make matters (even) worse, when Perseus is going through a bad patch, and I go back to Wiktionary, if I try to click on an entry in LSJ (for example to find out the full definition of a verb, middle meanings and all), that's also failing me because LSJ is housed in with the same people/website/setup as Perseus.
Does anyone have any answers to this κονουνδρουμ? Maybe there are other ways to access a digital version of LSJ?
By the way, I'm in the UK. I doubt whether geography plays much part in this... I did in fact try accessing through a VPN with a US IP ... but it was just the same.