I'm struggling to find the right translation for 'ut' in the sentence below. For context, it's part of a property transaction in a Manorial Court Roll from circa 1700.

Willelmus Taylor dedit Domino pro fine sexdecem libras premanibus soluto et sic admissus est inde Tenens ut in revertione sed fidelitas sua respectuatur quousque etc

My current translation is:

William Taylor gave to the lord for a fine sixteen pounds paid beforehand and thus was admitted as tenant thereof in reversion but his fealty was respited until etc.

However, I'm not sure this adequately accounts for the 'ut', so I wonder if I'm missing a nuance.

Would 'although' (as an alternative to 'even if') be acceptable? Or is there some other ut construction I should be considering? I don't believe it's a temporal clause, or a clause of purpose or result.

(To be admitted to a tenancy in reversion' was to be recognised in advance as the next tenant when the current tenant died or otherwise relinquished the tenancy).

  • Might ut have been unnecessary here, so you can omit it entirely in the English translation?
    – Ben Kovitz
    Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 13:31
  • @BenKovitz It's possible. However, the phrase ut in revertione crops up dozens of times in a set of 17 court rolls so it isn't a one-off scribal mistak. Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 14:17
  • 2
    sic ... ut = "so ... as" seems to be the construction here, i.e., "so admitted as in reversion," though I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean... Commented Sep 27, 2022 at 17:06


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