Everybody knows words like Terminator, Navigator, Laudator, ...
For verbs from the a conjugation is seems pretty simple to build the Nomen Agentis, what about words like 'Quaerere'?

I thought about that as I was looking for a name for a latin app I'm developing where you can search forms with (that's why quaerere came to mind).
I wanted to make a cool word out of that and I found 'Quaetor'. I'll take that, but I still wonder, if that word could even exist?

I've read that there are many possibilities like using parts of the ppp like in 'regere -> rectus -> rex' or 'vincere -> victus -> vixtrix' and so on.

Thank you!

  • 1
    Rex is different, but you will have seen the actual agentive noun: rector.
    – cmw
    Commented Mar 21, 2022 at 1:42

1 Answer 1


These agent names are typically derived from the past participle stem. For quarere the participle stem is quaesit-, so we should expect quaesitor. And indeed, quaesitor is an attested word meaning "seeker, searcher, investigator", and such.

There is also a contracted form (which at least L&S says is a contraction of quaesitor): the title quaestor.

With the typical derivation in -or, you would get rector and victor from regere and vincere, respectively, and these words are indeed real.

There is a separate question on feminine and neuter versions of -or.


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