While transcribing and translating some late 17th century Manorial Court rolls I have come across a frequently recurring symbol. I've referred to Capelli's The elements of abbreviation in medieval Latin paleography. and also this list of Latin abbreviations, but haven't identified it with any certainty, although it could possibly be er for erit/erat.

You can see it here at the end of the last line of this section (after quousque). The sentence ends 'sed fidelitas sua respectuatur quousque ??', and is referring to the deferral of a minor swearing fealty to a Lord of the Manor.

Is er the right interpretation, or have I missed an alternative?

enter image description here

Transcription of these lines (complete with other unknowns and inevitable errors). 'abb 1' refers to the abbreviation in question.

[end of last sentence] Et prefat[i] Samuel Joshua et Thomas deder[unt] D[omi]no pro fine prout ......(abb 1) Et sic prefat[i] Samuel per Guardianum suum pred[ictum] admissus est inde Ten[en]s sed fidelitas sua respectuatur quousq[ue] ......(abb 1)

  • Could you provide a transcription of the two (and a bit) lines?
    – Canned Man
    Commented Feb 21, 2022 at 16:22
  • @CannedMan Done. Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 9:20

1 Answer 1


Having reviewed other documents containing the same symbol, and their transcriptions and translations, it appears that the symbol in question stands for et cetera.

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