There are a few different words I've found with the meaning of "one who destroys or ruins", though most are fairly rare or only poetical. Is there a more commonly used word that I am missing? It seems like something that would have been used frequently considering how much we humans war with each other.
Some examples I've found:
- ēversor: the d. of Carthage, Carthaginis e., Quint.
- exstinctor: the d. of his country, patriae ex., Cic.
- confector: fire the d. and consumer of all things, c. et consumptor omnium ignis, Cic.: d. of wild beasts, ferarum c., Suet.
- perdĭtor: the d. of the republic, reipublicae p., Cic.
- pĕremptor: d. of an illustrious king, inclyti regis p., Sen.: Apul.: fem. peremptrix, Tert.
- intĕremptor: d. of his master, int. heri sui, Sen.: Val. Max.: fem. interemptrix, Lact.: Tert.
Edit: The context for this is to describe the sun, which can give life but is also a destroyer of life. However, I am interested in other words that may have other contexts.