I was wondering how can we wish people today a "Merry Christmas" in Latin?
I figured one could say
felicem natalem Christi
but it's not a literal translation or could be interpreted differently.
Pope Francis uses nativitas for Christmas is his Latin tweets, so I would suggest something simple like:
Felicem Nativitatem Habe / Habete
If you don't want to include the imperative, you could drop habe so you're simply making a statement. You could also something more like the Romans did with Saturnalia:
io Felix Nativitas!
The closest actual Latin equivalent would be something like
frui saturnalia
which (some people argue) is the ancient roman festivities that later evolved into what is today christmas.
You could argue that most people wouldn't understand the reference, but then again most people don't understand Latin, and those who do, probably will.
io saturnalia
was the phrase my teacher used in class.