I'm translating the following sentence from Johann Weyer's book De Praestigiis Daemonum, published in 1563:
In tam perniciosa varietate fanaticarum & pestilentium opinionum, quibus hoc ævo misere orbem cōcutit Christianum Satan, non minimum eam momenti esse sentio, princeps ilustrissime: quam idem ille velut perditissimum seminarium, mentibus hominum insevit incantamentorum nomine.
A picture of the original text:
A rough and incomplete translation, with the help of Google Translate:
In such a dangerous fanatic & pestilentium variety of opinions , and here life miserable world cōcutit Christian Satan , not least, it is important , I feel , high ilustrissimo : the same as if he had lost the nursery , spells the name of the minds of human instinct .
One word I'm having trouble with is "cōcutit". It doesn't seem to be in any dictionary. However, judging from its ending ("-it"), it appears to be a verb in third person singular form. Given the context, how should I translate "cōcutit"?