A recent question (related to Catholicism) on Christianity SE has an answer which contains a Latin prayer to St Michael the Archangel. I posed a question on the meaning of part of that prayer, but wanted to make sure I was translating it correctly. The excerpt reads:
tibi trádidit Dóminus ánimas redemptórum in supérna felicitáte locándas
My attempted translation is:
The Lord has handed over to you the souls of the redeemed, to be placed in supernal happiness
This doesn't seem to match what I understand of Catholic teaching. In particular, although St Michael is the defender of Christian souls, it is not he who places souls in supernal happiness, but God Himself at a soul's particular judgment. So my first thought was that I mistranslated or misunderstood something. Is there something I missed here, or some nuance I overlooked?