If I understood right the Locative is only to be formed in singular (e.g. domi, ruri, ...).

But when it comes to words (especially cities / small islands) that only exist in Plural (e.g. Athenae) we have to form a Locative plural, right?

How is that Locative plural formed?
Is it just always similiar to the Ablative Plural (eg. Athenis)?

  • Note: domus is not in the second declension and the genetive is not domi. Commented Jan 1, 2021 at 20:47
  • My Stowasser (I think you know Stowasser) and multiple websites tell me that both u and o declension exist for domus. Isn't that correct?
    – Cyb3rKo
    Commented Jan 1, 2021 at 20:51

2 Answers 2


Allen & Greenough name locative plural endings for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declensions. They are all identical to the dative/ablative:

  • Athenis at Athens (1st declension)
  • Philippis at Philippi (2nd declension)
  • Trallibus at Tralles (3rd declension)

For the 4th and 5th declensions, no locative plurals appear to be attested (and not many singulars either).


The original locative plural had the *-su or *-oysu ending (i.e., Athenasu), then modified and merged with the ablative.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locative_case

  2. https://www.corsi.univr.it/documenti/OccorrenzaIns/matdid/matdid114728.pdf

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