I need some help verifying that I have translated correctly, (english) -> (classical latin). I have translated "Intrepid art", as in art like drawings or paintings, to: "Artem Intrepidus".

Could someone verify if this is a correct translation and if the ordering is right? I use it as a name for social media accounts where I post my drawings.

1 Answer 1


The form you wrote has errors in agreement of both case and gender.

Ars intrepida would be the nominative form since ars is feminine.

If you really want accusative, it would be artem intrepidam.

It is unclear to me whether intrepidus -a -um is really the adjective you want, though.

  • 2
    I see no immediate problem with intrepidus, it does mean "intrepid" (no surprise there) and will be easily recognisable even to beginners. Another possibility would be impavidus. Commented Nov 29, 2020 at 15:20
  • 2
    @SebastianKoppehel : Yes, I only meant that it wasn’t clear to me that OP really meant “intrepid”. I’m not familiar with the term “intrepid art”.
    – MPW
    Commented Nov 29, 2020 at 15:22
  • 1
    Neither am I, although I have to say, compared to a few mottos and tattoo ideas I have seen on this website, it seems like a pretty ordinary English expression ;-) Commented Nov 29, 2020 at 17:38

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