Feedback on your translation
While concludere is obviously etymologically related to the English "conclude", it does not quite mean the same thing.
It can mean "end" in the sense you want, but it also means things like "compress", "confine", or "shut up".
In most use cases context would provide the correct meaning, so this is not a major issue.
The only real problem is the pronoun hic.
It is masculine, so it refers to some singular masculine thing you previously described.
If you want a general "it" for a thing, use the neuter instead.
In Latin you can also use the plural neuter where English would use singular, and this is particularly advisable if you refer to a number of things.
Suggested translations
I would translate concluding here using finiri (lit. "to be ended") or finem capere (lit. "to take an end").
My first reaction is to go with
- Sic finitur iter nostrum. (So ends our journey.)
- Talem capit finem iter nostrum. (Our journey takes such an end.)
Whether these are appropriate depends on what "this" is and whether you want it to have agency in the ending of the journey.
If you mean "this sequence of events causes the journey to come to a conclusion" rather than "so ends our journey" (as I took it), then I would suggest simply
- Hoc finit iter nostrum. (This ends our journey.)
You can also replace hoc with the relative pronoun quod.
In Latin you can start an independent sentence with a relative pronoun referring to what was just mentioned.
This is far less idiomatic in English.
So perhaps this would work nicely:
- Quod finit iter nostrum. (This ends our journey.)
Suggestion 3/4 is active whereas 1 is passive with the same verb.
You can add an et in the beginning of your sentence for "and".
Whether such a connective would be needed in Latin depends on context, but in general I have no major objections.
However, I would not add it when using a relative pronoun.
If you want to make "this" plural, you could go:
- Haec/Quae finiunt iter nostrum. (This [= these things] ends our journey.)
Unrelated remark
I was somewhat shocked to read your profile text describing your aspiration to study theoretical physics to help merge QFT with GR.
I had a very similar mindset as a starting student, although after a master's degree in theoretical physics I got my doctorate in math and shifted to a more mathematical view on physics for most of my work.
I just couldn't help pointing out that I'm glad to see people here who share other passions than Latin with me.
Welcome to the site!