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How would you go about saying the expression "online" or "offline" in Latin? Maybe something like Portuguese Conectado and Desconectado (connected and disconnected)? Couldn't find it anywhere.

3 Answers 3


For “online” you could say:

Thus for “offline” you could say:

  • incolligatus
  • inconexus

Or you could go a different route and say:

These would be technical terms describing the state of a software program or a network connection. If you want to say

I have been offline for a week, so I don't know what cool new questions have been asked at Latin Language Beta SE.

… it would perhaps be more appropriate to say:

Aberam ab interreti septem dies, ergo non novi egregia nova rogata posita apud etc.


Great question!

One of the things I love about Latin is how it is often so much more concrete than English. Going with that, and thinking of interrete (internet) as a literal net, I wonder whether intra interrete (online) and extra interrete (offline) would work.

Per Sabbata extra rete eram, sed nunc infra sum.

(On Saturday I was offline, but now I'm on.)


It might be a long shot here, but I would like to suggest simply: insum & absum

This is somewhat lax/figurative usage, but this sometimes happens in other living languages, that a common word is simply adapted to denote another meaning. Not sure I'm correct here, but consider example on/off for electronic device.

Got this idea from ephemeris site, where at the bottom you can see "nunc insunt" which would be seamlessly translated as "online now".

Also note that online/offline in English is adj and kind of state descriptor. it just feels to me more appropriate to use the suggested intransitive verbs [insum = I am online], rather than verbs in the passive. (In my opinion, there is slight difference between "connected" and "online").

For usage like "watch online" I would suggest: "vide rete(or reti)", which is simply the ablative case of rete.


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