I am learning Latin from Collar and Daniell's FIRST YEAR LATIN. In LESSON IV: THE GENITIVE CASE TO DENOTE POSSESSION, an exercise is given (sentence translation).
Some examples:
- Līberatne? Līberō, portāmus. (Hopefully translates to Is he freeing? I am freeing, we are bringing.)
- Fīliās incolārum līberant (They are freeing the daughters of the inhabitants.)
But, there is one sentence I do not understand:
Fīliane Galbae litterās exspectat?
I have no idea what Fīliane means. I have checked it in several dictionaries, including Lewis and Short, to no avail.
From what I have read, fīlia means daughter, but it has a -ne ending added to it? (To a noun? What?!)
My only guess is, this is a mistake and the sentence should be this instead:
Fīlia Galbae litterās exspectatne? - hopefully: Is Galba's daughter expecting some letters?
Is that correct?