For example, this sentence:

My furnace works

would be one of

Furnus meus [some verb]
Furnus meus [some adjective] est (i.e. "my furnace is working")

What could I put in for either the verb or the adjective? Ideally, what word has versions that I could put in for both?

1 Answer 1


Living Latinists say, Furnus meus munere fungitur. I've seen no classical attestation of this use applied to objects rather than people, so it's probably a modern adaptation, but I just got back from a living Latin conference where several people said it.

I suppose you could also say Furnus non deficit.

In neither of these cases is there a suitable adjective, as far as I can tell. You could use munifex for the former, but that of course is really a noun describing a particular kind of Roman soldier.

  • Shouldn't that be munifunx or something, if it comes from fungi instead of facere?
    – Joonas Ilmavirta
    Commented Jul 13, 2016 at 8:15
  • 1
    One would think so, but munifex seems to be the attested word: latinlexicon.org/definition.php?p1=2037239 — it was the lowest rank in the Roman army. The entry also mentions a verb muniafacio, but there's no entry for it. Commented Jul 13, 2016 at 11:43

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