I am looking for a new name for my engineering company. I want to translate the English phrase 'Forward engineering' into Latin language.

2 Answers 2


As luchonacho suggests, ars ingeniaria is good for "engineering". To express the direction, I would add the adjective prorsus, meaning "straightforward, straight, direct" and giving rise to the concept of prose. Thus, I'd suggest ars ingeniaria prorsa.

Prorsus is more common as an adverb, but it is also an adjective. The kind of use of this adjective I proposed appears to be post-classical, but I did not consider that an issue as you did not specify an era. I cannot think of an equally appropriate adjective that, say, Cicero would have used.


What about something like perge ars ingeniaria?

Perge is the imperative singular of pergo, which in the intransitive (without a verb, as in this case) means to "go on, proceed, hasten, press on".

Ars ingeniaria is the nominative Latin of engineering, according to Wikipedia.

Also see this post.

  • Hmm... I think "forward" in "forward engineering" should be parsed as an adjective, not as an imperative. Your suggestion sounds like the order "[go] forward, engineering!" rather than a name for a type of engineering. I gave an adjectival version in an answer.
    – Joonas Ilmavirta
    Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 12:58
  • @JoonasIlmavirta Oh, then I didn't understand the focus of the phrase. I was indeed trying to think on an imperative.
    – luchonacho
    Commented Aug 23, 2019 at 15:26

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