In the Python programming language, "yield" and "return" are keywords with specific meanings.

A function can either yield a result (sending that result back and then continuing to work), or return it (sending the result back and then being done). So for example, a function to find prime numbers might yield each one as it found it, while a procedure to multiply numbers together would just return the product once the calculation was finished.

How would one best express this distinction in Latin?

1 Answer 1


How about redde for "return" and ede for "yield"? These keywords are orders ("do so and so"), and therefore I find imperatives most natural.

The verb reddere means giving back, and I think that captures the idea of "return" pretty well. One might also consider the simple da, but that would bring it closer to giving than returning. Whether a value is returned or not, a function returns also the thread of execution, so I think redde is better than da. I assume that the keyword "return" is read as "give back" instead of "go back"; the latter would only make sense for some uses of the keyword, so giving is probably a better interpretation.

On the other hand, edere means giving out, which is reasonably close to yielding. It sounds sensible to me for a function to either give back once or keep giving out repeatedly. I also find it convenient that similar things are expressed with the same verb with a different prefix.

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