When someone comes to visit me at my villa, I would like to greet them and welcome them in. I know how to welcome English ("welcome"), German ("wilkommen"), and French ("bienvenue") guests in a single word. But if a native Roman comes to visit me, what should I say to him?


1 Answer 1


Pekkanen's dictionary suggests salve advenis/advenitis or bene adveneris/adveneritis, but I found no classical attestations of these. These are understandable phrases, but I don't know how canonical they are.

I dug around and found some relevant phrases in the literature that you might want to build on:

  • Plautus, Trinummus, 1097: et salve et salvom te advenisse gaudeo

  • Pacuvius, Tragoediae, 232: expectata advenis: salue, hospita!

  • Plautus, Bacchides, 101 (accepting a welcome, but can be turned around for a welcoming idiom): Bene me accipies advenientem, mea soror.

  • Cicero, De republica, 1.18 (on how someone was happy to welcome someone): eorum adventus periucundus et pergratus fuisset

  • Cicero, Epistulae ad Atticum, 4.19.1 (on arrival of a letter, but works also for arrival of a person): O exspectatas mihi tuas litteras! O gratum adventum!

It seems that if you want a simple everyday "welcome", then salve(te) is a good choice. If you want more flavor, use or adapt any of the quotes above.

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