From the options I have seen so far, the options that seem to me best were, for a generic description of hacking, to say that it is in computatorium irrumpere, with a hacker being a irruptor computatoriorum and the art of hacking, in an academic sense, be ars in computatoria irrumpendi. For specifically malicious hackers, I would use praedo cyberneticus.
I'm looking for a Latin word for "hacker" and for "hacking" in general. I looked around in the internet and haven't found any translations for this concept. Has anyone come across an attempt at translating this and if not does anyone fancy a go at it? I'd prefer a term that was not more than two words long, because more than that seems more like a description than an actual term.
EDIT: To be clearer, I accept answers that are both for "ethical hackers" (i.e. pentesters) as much as for "malicious hackers". If you can distinguish them in your answer, explaining which one you mean, I'd be grateful. If you believe both can be encapsulated into only one term, that is fine too!
EDIT 2: While perusing the stackexchange I found by chance this response that includes an expression that I would classify as representing a malicious hacker:
effractarius electronicus. I find it a perfectly valid term for malicious hacker. If anyone has any better ideas and if anyone also has ideas for an expression for "ethical hacker" I'd be grateful.
EDIT 3: putting my hat in the ring, maybe something along the lines of invasor electronicus might be more neutral than *effractarius
EDIT 4: I should have given a definition of hacking from the start. Sorry about that! I'd define hacking as: The art of forcefully gaining access to someone else's computer through electronic means.
This excludes literally stealing physically someone's computer and opening it. The adverb used is forcefully so as to leave the intentions of such act ambiguous. A hacker can be hacking someone's computer by request of the owner, so as to test their security. They can also be doing it maliciously. What makes it a hack is that the computer is being forcefully invaded, the owner did not provide the means for the invasion himself.
EDIT 5: A suggestion I got from the Latin Discord channel was for the act of hacking to be in computatorium irrumpere, because it is the act of breaking into a computer. A hacker would then naturally be an irruptor computatoriorum and the discipline of hacking could be called Ars in computatoria irrumpendi when spoken in an academic context.