The book "Somniale Danielis" (print edition dated 13th century) is a list of common dreams along with the associated meaning by the author.
I came across this section but I can't figure out what it means:

Agno id est preceptum facere signi. tedium Agno [id est]? pr(a)eceptum facere signi(ficat) tedium


  • The s and f use the same exact stroke.
  • Same with v and u (as expected).
  • It's very difficult to distinguish between t and r.

What i think this means:

Agnō praeceptum facere significat taedium.

Giving a command to a lamb means boredom.

But I'm not sure, given the id est.

In other parts of the text I noticed:

  • Using a π like stroke to denote et.
  • Unsettling use of macrons to shorten words (bonū => bonum).
  • Using a 3 when shortening something again.

Other example: Aurum et arg(en)tum tractāre s(ignificat) expedītiōnē(s) de factīs tuīs. Aurum [et] arg(en)tum tractāre s(ignificat) expedītiōnē(s) de factīs tuīs.

  • 2
    This manuscript looks like it's actually unusually good about distinguishing long s (ſ) from f (and I don't see why you find it difficult to distinguish t from r). ⁊ is a Tironian et, which is still used in Ireland today. What you call a macron in bonū for bonum is actually a tilde (even if it's written as a straight line), and is extremely common in manuscripts of almost all periods to indicate unwritten n or m (Spanish ñ actually reflects earlier nn).
    – Cairnarvon
    Commented Mar 5, 2023 at 22:11
  • 1
    And ꝫ after e stands for m, not s. Paleography is a big field and the conventions of Latin manuscripts are non-trivial. This one looks friendly, though.
    – Cairnarvon
    Commented Mar 5, 2023 at 22:17
  • 2
    You have transcribed the letters correctly. I agree with you that id est is odd. Do you have a link to the full text? More context always helps, to compare this line with others.
    – Cerberus
    Commented Mar 8, 2023 at 0:53
  • I have yet to find a line that uses id est that way collections.nlm.nih.gov/catalog/nlm:nlmuid-9412012-bk
    – Cristian
    Commented Mar 8, 2023 at 13:46
  • It looks like there's a capital the manuscript owner neglected to have painted in and maybe the word should actually be bagno. It's not consistent with the start of the As but the line is definitely in with the Bs (the previous line definitely has baculum). Obviously bagno isn't Latin, and neither is bannare on the next line (annare is, but it doesn't seem to work).
    – Cairnarvon
    Commented Mar 8, 2023 at 22:21

1 Answer 1


As @Cairnarvon notes it is most probably not starting with A, but with B. As clearly suggested by the preceding entry Baculum which also matched the alphabetical order.

Other versions indeed have Baculum, and then Bannum (instead of Agno). There could be hardly any doubt the word is indeed Bannum as we find later also in the OP's Agno's version the line "Bannum seu praeceptum audire..."

enter image description here

From here the entire interpretation follows naturally. The author thankfully gives the reader the meaning of the word bannum. He says "Bannum id est praeceptum". Skimming the text we see this formula in a page later under the term "Bordonem" where the author writes is trabs: "Bordonem id est trabem videre significat deceptionem"

The following term "Bannare" probably means to give commands/order. Hence I'll translate the two entries thus:

To perform a command (Bannum) means weariness.
To give orders or to see (someone) performs command means anger.


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