A bit of a mystery here (for someone not very well-versed in Latin at least).
I often encounter the word recusus in book titles of the post-classical period, usually but not always in conjunction with denuo (anew, again). However, I cannot find the word (or any verb from which it might plausibly be derived) in any of the standard Latin dictionaries that I've consulted.
An example: Tractatus de morbo mucoso. Denuo recusus annexaque praefatione de trichuridibus novo vermium genere / editus ab Henrico Augusto Wrisberg.
Another: I. Bodini Methodus Ad Facilem Historiarum Cognitionem: Accurate Denuo Recusus; Subiecto Rerum Indice.
I have a hunch that it means something like "corrected" or "edited". Am I right?