Hi Latin Stackexchange
for my masters thesis I am transcribing a 16th century Dutch manuscript about alchemy. On folio 172r there are some Latin words and a Latin sentence.
Can someone help me transcribe that Latin? I struggle a lot with the abbreviations used, and not knowing a single letter Latin does not help either :D
I included a high res picture in this post. The lines in bold are medieval Dutch and seem to read: waent die men oentsijet men geft hen tsijenne [because those those who are spared are given their own], but probably have nothing to do with the Latin.
So far, I found:
.T. = haec or her?
Habere bona ???
sculpta hac in plumbo ??? in
libra pisces aquarius di**?[r]**et et fortunatem
et ??? eum aspic. amico aspect [u] s